My oh my...what a day.
I have been running around...
packing for our trip...
We are leaving for Loveland Colorado...
early in the morning for a show.
And since we went down to help my son
this last week...
we didn't leave ourselves enough
time to get done all we needed to.
So it has been rush..rush...rush all day.
I finished my sketch for the second block
of the Mystery Block of the Month...
pulled the fabrics for it...
managed to get it transferred on to cloth,
into the hoop,
and even a little bit of stitching done on it.
I had to do the applique pieces 3 times...
At first, they just weren't drawn
where I could get in the corners well enough.
Then I didn't mirror image my freezer paper...
have you all ever done that one before?
Next I went out back to the shoppe,
where Ken was busily working away
making kits,
and asked him for the bolt of fabric
I needed.
It was gone.
He had used it up in kits.
"Okay", I tell myself, "breathe...John'aLee...
it won't do any good to get angry....
go to Plan B...
find something else that will work."
Which is what I did...
but I can't say there weren't
fumes coming out of my ears!
I stop and whip up my hubby
some breakfast.
Kill with kindness eh?
I then finish cutting all the fabrics
for 54 Strawberry-Li-Cious Blocks
for this new Mystery Block of the Month
The phone rings...
I look at the number...
it 's the doc calling...
"What in the world are they calling me for?"
I ask myself.
"You need to schedule a biopsy on the lump
in your left breast." The lady tells me.
I couldn't believe my ears.
I had a mammogram done in July....
they wanted more testing done...
so they had me come in for a sonogram.
The technician who performed the sonogram
told me he thought
everything looked fine.
That the lump was just a cyst.
And I'd totally put the whole thing
out of my mind.
So boy howdy did this throw me in
a tail spin.
What's a gal to do?
So that's my bad news....
which will hopefully turn to good news
after the testing is done.
The mayor in town, who is a good friend
and customer,
just found out yesterday
that she has Stage 4 Lung Cancer.
I was devastated to say the least.
I immediately had the Guitar Man
pull out the soft Winter Roses Rag quilt
we take to shows...
I wrapped it up...
put some Mylar templates in the gift too...
for her to make some 'hexis'
while she is going for treatment...
and wrote her a letter...
telling her to wrap herself up in
the quilt when her days got
too much for her and to know that
she is so loved!!
Her name is Janet.....
please add her to your prayer list.
A project I am working on with my own 'hexi' templates. | |
I finished out the day by making
that knothead husband of mine
some tostadas for dinner....
went out and designed some more
Meet Me In Paris kits for him,
worked on my blog
and am now calling it a day.'s only 1:06 a.m.
And I have to get up at 6 and be on the road?
Mom and Dad are expecting us for dinner
at their house in Castle Rock...
so I am hitting the sheets!