Happy Good Morning Monday to all my Quilting Buddies out there today!!
Are you ready for another block??
I'm sure you all are caught up
and waiting with abated breath!!
So let's get to work!
I will tell you the story at the end...
Cutting Instructions:
A Cut (24) 1½" X 1½" Squares (Off White)
B Cut (9) 1½" X 1½" Squares( Red and Off White Polka Dot)
C Cut (9) 1½" X 1½" Squares(Red)
D Cut (9) 1½" X 1½" Squares(Green)
E Cut (9) 1½" X 1½" Squares(Yellow)
Make (6) A/B Half Square Triangles
Make (6) A/C Half Square Triangles
Make (6) A/D Half Square Triangles
Make (6) A/E Half Squares Triangles
Layout Block:
Sew Rows 1 and 2 together,
Sew Rows 3 and 4 together,
Sew Rows 5 and 6 together:
+and+House+with+Transfer+Eze+033.jpg) |
Can you see my mistake here? |
If you don't cut your sewing apart, and just lay Row 3/4 on top of Row 1/2 and pin it, they stay nicely together and don't get twisted!
Sew Row 1/2 unit to Row 3/4 unit,
Sew Row 3/4 unit to Row 5/6 unit:
+and+House+with+Transfer+Eze+037.jpg) |
See my mistake yet?? I still hadn't! |
Aha...caught the mistake:
Rip out!
Sew all 3 sets of rows together:
And one more block done!!
Okay, here's the scoop!
There were 3 girls and 1 boy in our family.
Yep, he was the oldest and a pain in the patootie!
One day The Rancher and his wife, had to go out of town,
and left big brother in charge.
(First mistake in my opinion!)
But he was 18, responsible, smart, level headed....
wait a minute...
this is my brother we're talking about!
(Love you Ted!)
He didn't think us girls were treating him right,
so he took one of dad's gun's out of the gun case,
(made sure we were watching)
went outside where we couldn't see him,
and fired a shot!
Us girls came running out of the house
scared out of our wits.
He was laying all funny on the ground.
We started bawling, fawning over him,
telling him we were so sorry,
and that he was the best brother in the world.
He gets up...after his faking and says,
"Thought so!"
Now we were madder than hell at him!!
Ahhhh....big brothers!
I'm going to leave with a picture of my little helper this week.
Grandma got to keep him for 2 nights while mama and daddy went out of town!
Baby Kash amongst The Rancher's Daughter Quilt blocks! |
Happy, Happy Quilting!!