Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Summer in the South.....

Lots of Planning going on....
Loving' the Summer down here in the South!
And it's been a cool one at that!

I've been going down to the River Walk and Marina
quite a bit with my Planner, Journals, Journaling Supplies,
Books, etc.....
 Love this little cart I found at a garage sale for $2!
It goes to the Farmer's Market with me every Saturday morning....
and it hauls my stuff down to the river's edge as well!
Some fabrics I found to make a simple patchwork quilt for my kitchen!
A pic of one of my customer's Meet Me In Paris' in progress....

So what are all of you working on?

And now for my excuse why I have not been posting.
All of my pics used to automatically load into Google+ 
and they don't anymore.
So I'm trying to see what is going on.
Does anyone know if there's a limit on photos stored there?
Maybe I need to go and do some deleting.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Summer!

When I get this all figured out, I will get my blog post caught up.

P.S. For those who commented last time, I somehow lost all of my emails, so I didn't comment back to any of you. So sorry!!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Journaling..... Thinking About Stitchin' and other Happenings

Playing Around With Water Color Pencils
After church Sunday morning, I went down to the Marina here in town,
and sat by the water's edge with my journaling supplies
and whiled the afternoon away.
Awwww I LOVE Tennessee!
On my trip out West the Grand Girls and I  journaled away....
Hung out at Bookstores together
Even got the adults into journaling out in the beautiful Spring Morn...
Walked the Streets of Boise...stopping for Lunch here!
Played Scrabble With the Kiddos....Lots of Scrabble...
Went for Long Walks in the Park...
Solo Lunch Trips....with Time to Sit and Read....
Lunches with My Darling Lil Ashley!
More Journaling out on Ashley's Front Porch! Loved her darling lil house...
It was like a little paradise....
Her Iris' were in Bloom!
And her Peonies...
Lil Heston and I spent a lot of time out in the yard reading....
And Eating Strawberries! They had never had Fresh Strawberries from the fields before!
Ashley working on her Art...
While out on a walk in her neighborhood,
I found this....
A tiny little free library.....
Is that not just the cutest?
5 of the 13 Grand Children!
What a ball they are!

I was gone for several weeks!
Denver, North Dakota, Las Vegas and Boise Idaho
Glad to be home!
But I did come home so inspired!!

Later Gators....
P.S. The sewing machine got fired up this evening. First time in 11 months! Actually since the flood. 
Nope....wasn't me. It was Tory working on a 4th of July Tablecloth out of red/white/and blue bandanas.
I'll show the finished piece next, plus my fabrics I picked up on my trip,
the skirts my bestie and I made for our lil girls and future sewing projects.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

FREE Online Summer Class

Hi Peeps!

I just signed up for a FREE Online Summer School!
I thought I'd share the information with you, 
in case any of you might be interested:

Since taking my first online journaling class this year
I can't believe what has come out of me.
I look back at my journals from this first quarter of the year and think to myself,
"Wow, if I hadn't taken this class I wouldn't have all these pages of yumminess!"

So I am a true and tried convert.
If you are afraid to commit to an online class, it's a great way to start.
Just sign up for a FREE one and you will have nothing to lose.
You too might be surprised not only what you will learn,
but how it will push you in a way nothing else ever has.

Have a wonderful Tuesday!!

Monday, May 5, 2014


Learning to Draw Cupcakes....
Hello Everyone!
Yes...I know it's been way too long!
I'm still alive and kickin'!

I have so much to catch you all up on.
But for now I thought I'd just post some pics of what I've been doing in my journal...
I love seeing other people's journals, so I'm hoping you do too!
I am loving the online journaling class I have been taking since the first of the year.
I look at all  I have created, and it makes me realize what a blessed life I have.
We take so much for granted, 
but when we pen our lives to paper......and go back and read it,
one sees how rich our lives really are!
So I encourage you to get those journals out girls!
You won't be sorry!

I am in North Dakota with the ole Guitar Man right now.

 Trying to get my oldest daughter in line while I'm here too! Ha!

I'm doing the, Las Vegas to see my bestie and my son,
 then on to Boise to see my other daughters and grand babies!
These trips are hard on the ole back, but the memories and good times are priceless!

Have a lovely, inspired and creative month of May my friends!


Monday, February 24, 2014

Tory's New LIttle Baby Boy is Here~

Kooper Dean Foutch arrived at 8:22 tonight, weighing 8 lbs 2 oz!
Grand Baby #13
I'm so glad he is here safe and sound.

I told Tory while she was in labor that her hubby and I couldn't take 
much more of this.

And she retorted,
"Oh I am just soooo sorry for you two!
I just don't  know how you guys are  going to be able to do this!!"

I had to laugh!
Even in great pain, that kid can split my sides!

Once again it took my breath away
to see a new little soul being born into this world.

Thank you Lord for bringing him safely here.
May his life be blessed!

Gotta get some sleep,

before I take big brother Kash to see him in the morning...
 Photo: Our night with this lil guy  had been a success... He's fast asleep as he should be after all that runnin around he did! LOL oh, and Skout is the most jealous doggy there is... LoL Love Kash! He was so curious about everything. He now has a new baby brother we get to meet tomorrow! Wooohooo! Congrats to my bestieee! : )

Friday, February 14, 2014

Tell Me What Your Favorite Books Are!!

I have 4 minutes left to say....
Happy Valentine's Day!!
Red Velvet Macaroons.
Click Here for Pinterest Link
And then the clock strikes midnight!

Sounds like a fairy tale.

So speaking of that,
I have a question for you all today.

What is your all time favorite book? 
a lovely book to read
Click Here for Pinterest Link
The book you swoon about?
The book that has influenced you the most?
The book that you can't quit thinking about?
Or what is the best book you have read of late?
Maybe we can all gather here,
and suggest some new reading material for each other!

My all time Favorite Book: The Bible
The Book I Swoon About: Gone With The Wind
The Book That Has Influenced Me The Most: (Besides The Bible)   The Power of a Positive Mental Attitude
The Book I Can't Quit Thinking About: Simple Abundance
The Best Book of Late That I've Read: The Book Thief

The Guitar Man came home for Valentine's Week.
Us at Books A Million earlier tonight
 See...I don't believe  in just celebrating for a day....
a whole week is more my style.
He took me out to dinner,
bought me roses,
and then at my request,
sat at the bookstore with me for hours...
with the cherry on top...
a load of books to carry home!

So let's all be book buddies!
 What are your favorites?
I want to know!
Happy Reading!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Jouranling, Planning, My New Kikki K Planner...

A Happy Monday to You All!

I thought you might need a dose of color and inspiration....
so I thought I'd share some pics of what has been filling my heart, hands and life in general!
My new Kikki K planner.
I have been having a ball playing with the colors.
Many years ago Sea Foam Green was an 'in'color,
and now it is back, but they are calling it 'Mint'.
It goes so well with hot pinks, reds, yellows, other playful pinks,
polka dots, stripes and touches of black.
And yes, I broke down and bought a Raskog Cart from Ikea...
Love, love it.
I'm still working on organizing it.
It's so much more fun to create when things are in order....
Tory saw the box sitting, waiting for the hubby to come home and put it together. But what a sweetie, she grabbed it, 8 1/2 months pregnant and all and was determined to put it together for me. I hate doing these kinds of things!
Of course Little Baby Boy thought she needed help, so Gama went and got him his own set of tools....
Then her Soldier Boy came home, and things really got down to business....
So in Love....
Part of my plan this year is to get organized in all aspects of my life.
I have two words this year:
One is Organization
The other is Heal
So we are well on our way....

Have a Happy Week Girls!
Toodles of Love...