Now I must tell you about my dearest, best friend. I'm not sure where I would be without her. We met at a women's bible study in the po'dunk little town of Sandy Valley Nevada. We fellowhsipped together on Sunday mornings for years and the biggest thing Nancy has taught me is how to learn to pray audibly anywhere, anytime, anyhow. I will never forget when we were driving down the zigzag one afternoon and I was in tears over one of the kids. She grabs my hand while she is driving and says..."Let's pray." And she did. I think it was the most lovely prayer I've ever heard in my life. She is a Prayer Warrior and I wish all of you could have a friend in your life like her. She came in to my life at a very sad time for me spiritually and I know she was the angel God sent that I needed so badly! I love you Nanc!!