Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Final Borders on Buttercream Summer

And one border is done!

 And now I see that I need to design something for the 4 corners!
It does leave some amazing space for some awesome quilting....
but I'm afraid it won't be balanced if I don't draw something up to put in there.

So everyone who has signed up until now...
will get the 11th Month Free!

I wanted to show another part of the design process with this border.
After thinking it was done...
I looked at the pot base...
Which at first had no satin stitching.
It needed to be filled in....

So back to the drawing board ...
to see what I can come up with for the corners!

Happy Stitching!

Design Work in the Design Studio....

I've been playing around in the Design Studio..
trying hard to get this next block
Parisian Summer just right.
It's frustrating when you buy the fabric 
for kits...
thinking it is going to work...
but then when you get to a certain point...
you realize you have to change it for it to look right.

The fabric below for the bottom hill...
just didn't work...
Nor did the fabrics I chose
for the petals.
So I start commissioning other fabrics...

 Then to work I get...

Pull out previous applique...
And I start making new blades...
Find a new hill....
lay out the new blades...

And then lay it all out with the other blocks to see how it is working...
I like how the new flower brings all of the colors to play
that are in the other blocks...

but I must try one more combination...
The Guitar Man likes this one best....
we will see!

Although it is a lot of work...
and would be easier to just leave things as is on the first try...
I always take the time to work it..
re-work it....
and continue the process ...
no matter how long it takes.

We are off to an Indiana show later today...

Have a blessed day everyone!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I'm Back!!!

What a few weeks it has been.
10 to 12 people in the household
at all times.

 I have been working behind the scenes though...
Above is the final border that is going on all
four sides of
Buttercream Summer
to finish it!

Here are some of the 
in-process pics...
And I've been steadily working at
Parisian Summer...
Above I started out with one color of thread
for the 'writing...
then tried another...
Only to rip out both...
and start completely over...
with a thread that was a color way
in between the two...
Ain't pickin' fun???!!!
Now about what else has been happening around here 
the last few weeks...
Lots of cooking and family dinners...
Nights of Jamming...

Little one reading Shabby Chic while daddy plays guitar!
The Guitar Man serenading us with Miss Emily trying to play along...

There were Scrabble games on the terrace...
I was accused of cheating when I bumped the board when it was all coming to an end and I was losing.
Can you believe that?

 Teaching Miss Emily to sew...

Little one had to get in on this though...
Future Quilters???
Finally Mama came...
And hauled him away...

But he was always coming back...
Getting into Grandma's fabric paints...
Who me???

Priceless pics...
There were days at the lake,
shopping down Main Streets,
lunches at cafes
and all in all we had a great time.

But now I must say...
the peace and quiet after 3 weeks...
is pure bliss!

Back to the pile of work waiting for me...