And the answer, sadly, is yes!
She called us yesterday morning and told us she was on the way to the courthouse. I cried, I prayed, I called my prayer warriors, and alas, the deed still was done. Some of you have met this little spitfire of mine. She is the dark haired, funny little beauty of mine, Tory. I do believe I could write a book on her alone! She definitely keeps us on our knees. The following is a picture of the little angel with me on her graduation day.
And by the way, she is the one who has sporadically sent you all newsletters, answered your emails and calls, sent you packages and sold you on the Meet Me In Paris at Quilt Shows!
And now about the Man Quilter I hinted to you about:

I met his wife Dee and her dear friend Bonnie at the Pueblo Quilt Show a few years back and we all have become fast friends. Imagine my surprise when she shows up in my booth at Las Vegas out of the blue! (Quilters will go anywhere for a good Quilt Show). She proceeded to tell me about her husband who was working on his own Meet Me In Paris quilt in the back of his 18 wheeler (in the cab). He has his sewing machine all set up, boxes of fabric all sorted in containers, etc, etc. And not only that....the Wall Street Journal interviewed him a few weeks previously for 6 hours about his new found passion he had picked up to pass the time while waiting for return loads. They even mentioned the Meet Me in Paris quilt in the article. Now what's a girl to do about that? Do you think I could ever get an article in the Wall Street Journal??? And yet here a man did?? You go Man Quilter!!!! I am so proud of you!
AND ALAS..... about my new pattern: Here are the pictures of the work in progress It's called:
I knew I wanted to set it on point like the Meet Me In Paris quilt. I also wanted it to have some romance...thus the ruffled hearts and bows.
This was the first basket I made for the center block using the EZ Dresden Ruler. But I wasn't one hundred percent happy, so back to the drawing board. Below is the new basket. Much better. It wasn't a very good picture, with the sunlight coming through the slats and all. (With snow piled up I wish for that sunshine now!)

Here it is up on the design board with the ribbon being attached to the basket and the "Meet Me Under The Mistletoe" card being propositioned
on the left side of it It's slowly coming together!
It is now after midnight, and the lighting is not very good, and maybe just maybe, I'm not holding the camera still enough! But I am determined to get these pictures loaded before we leave at 6 a.m. for Colorado!
And a close up of my mistletoe. I have never seen a quilt with mistletoe on it. I am always searching for new design ideas.
I might also add, that I don't use a computer to design my work. It is all free hand. Sometimes I start out on a piece of paper drawing, and sometimes I just start out commissioning fabrics.
I now have to work out the final borders. My plan is to have a few more small borders around the setting triangles and then if its not too much, the last large outer border will have holly and candy canes in it.
I'd love to know what you all think!
We are headed out in 6 hours for the Pueblo, Colorado show, and then if we still have enough inventory we will go straight to our Paducah Kentucky show! Yippee!! If we are too low, we will drive back and have to make more kits to restock and then scramble to get there in time for set up.
I hope to post more pictures of our travels there, and of course many more pics of great quilts at the shows that are being presented. Good Night and Happy Quilting to all of you quilters out there in Quilt Land!